I am thankful that Jacob is one the sweetest boys I know. He is the one that will say "Mama you look pretty" when I am wearing a new shirt. I love that he tells a mean knock knock joke. He loves to be silly. He is so thoughtful. In school he had to journal about giving someone a gift. He drew a picture of hunting boots for Noah because Noah loves to hunt. I am thankful for his passion for music. When a song comes on the radio he wants to know that name of the song and who is singing it. Every year for Christmas he wants a new musical instrument last year drums...this year a guitar. I love the sparkle in his eye when he smiles. His whole face lights up!
I am thankful for the final piece of our puzzle - Mason. I am so thankful that he was born healthy (9lb 7 oz healthy with shoulders like a line backer) and had all of his parts and pieces working just as they should. I am so thankful that he loves his family so much. This is the smile his brothers, daddy or I get when he sees our faces. I love that he is so determined to keep up with the older boys! All of his triumphs are bittersweet. I am so happy for him yet I know this is the last time I will witness this "first" for one of my own children.
I am very thankful that I have been able to have four "firsts". This is only a small snapshot of my life, only a few reasons why my boys are such blessings to me. Only a few of the reasons why I am truly blessed!