Last week was Thanksgiving. I love this time of year because I am reminded to count my blessings and I am a very blessed woman! When we were sitting at Thanksgiving dinner we asked each of the boys what they were thankful for Jake and Noah were thankful for dinner and our family Ethan was thankful for his pillow. He said "I am thankful for my pillow because I can sleep on it then close it and it turns into a lion", (I too am often thankful for my pillow even if it is only a pillow and doesn't turn into anything!). I am thankful for my families health, our home, food on the table, a job that I love, warm clothes for my children but mostly I am thankful for my family. My extended family and my little family - for Clint and the boys. I am thankful that Clint has turned this year into a positive and is going back to school. He is doing amazing! I am thankful for how much my boys love each other yet they are all so different!
I am thankful that Noah is such an insightful young boy. He is a Montana boy through and through. I am so thankful that he has a passion for the outdoors. I love that he loves to learn. His favorite book at Barnes and Noble is one that when you open it it has all of systems of the body and when you turn to the Cardiovascular system the heart is beating. He loves to make things even trying to convince me that we should make Daddy a knife for Christmas (not going to happen!). I am thankful he is such an amzing helper. Saturday we had to go to Fairfield and all of the seats were down in the van before I could get outside he had them all put back up and all of the carseats inplace. This weekend I asked him his favorite thing about Christmas and he said "all of the family". What a sweetie!
I am thankful that Jacob is one the sweetest boys I know. He is the one that will say "Mama you look pretty" when I am wearing a new shirt. I love that he tells a mean knock knock joke. He loves to be silly. He is so thoughtful. In school he had to journal about giving someone a gift. He drew a picture of hunting boots for Noah because Noah loves to hunt. I am thankful for his passion for music. When a song comes on the radio he wants to know that name of the song and who is singing it. Every year for Christmas he wants a new musical instrument last year drums...this year a guitar. I love the sparkle in his eye when he smiles. His whole face lights up!
I am thankful that
Ethan has such an amazing imagination. He is a great story teller. He has such an animated face when he talks. Sometimes he raises his lip or an eyebrow during stories. Other times he talks out of the side of his mouth. He says the funniest things (like swinging around town...swinging around town...swinging my wiener around town). He also is an amazing snuggler he loves to snuggle on the couch or snuggle at nap time. Even having the book "Snuggle Puppy" memorized. He will even pat your back as he is falling asleep. Right before Mason was born we were concerned that Ethan wouldn't like having a baby to compete with for attention. I am so thankful that this has not been an issue. He is an amazing big brother! When Mason is crying he will say "hang on sweetie I will be right there" or "if you don't stop crying I will kick your ass" (which he said so nicely I'm sure he didn't know what it meant). I am thankful that my little 3 year old is bursting with so much personality!

I am thankful for the final piece of our puzzle -
Mason. I am so thankful that he was born healthy (9lb 7 oz healthy with shoulders like a line backer) and had all of his parts and pieces working just as they should. I am so thankful that he loves his family so much. This is the smile his brothers, daddy or I get when he sees our faces. I love that he is so determined to keep up with the older boys! All of his triumphs are bittersweet. I am so happy for him yet I know this is the last time I will witness this "first" for one of my own children.
I am very thankful that I have been able to have four "firsts". This is only a small snapshot of my life, only a few reasons why my boys are such blessings to me. Only a few of the reasons why I am truly blessed!