I have often wondering if I made the BEST career choice. I really love my job but for awhile I couldn't decide if I should be a nurse or a teacher. I finally made the decision to be a nurse because there is SO much teaching I get to do on a daily basis! Even with this said when I am working every 3rd weekend, every other major holiday, crazy shifts I think that maybe I should have been a teacher.
Today I helped in Jacob's class. I was in charge of listening to the kids read these little 8 page books. This one was titled The big, big van. One at a time the kids would walk back where I was sitting and sit down on my right side, write their name on the front page of the book and begin reading to me. They would track the words with either their finger on the pencil they were holding. I was very focused when the kiddos who were right handed were reading, but those lefties kept distracting me. While they were tracking the word I had a perfect view of the top of their left hand. They would say a word and look to me to make sure they were correct and I would catch myself. I had been staring at the beautiful veins in the top of their hands. Since I was on their left side I had a perfect view!
This fetish with beautiful veins carries over for my kids as well. On each of my boys I have the "perfect" vein if one was ever needed. I have no intention of actually starting an IV, but just in case I know which one we will go for first. Jacob's class was lucky to have me today. Had there been an emergency and those 6 little lefties needed an IV infusion in class I would have been there. I did restrain myself, I didn't whip out an alcohol swab and turnicate and touch their vein....but I REALLY wanted to!
I obviously picked the right profession!
Love Your Man
11 years ago