Last night was Clint's 32nd birthday. I worked a dayshift yesterday and was up and gone while everyone was asleep. The 3 older boys quickly got dressed and made their beds they then snuck up the stairs and sat patiently in the dark on the couch until Clint got done feeding Mason a bottle in the bedroom and came out into the living room. When he walked into the living room and turned on the light they jumped from the couch screaming "Happy Birthday Daddy". I think that would be a perfect start to any birthday!
When I got home from work the kids were amped up. Jacob can hardly contain himself because he know once this birthday is out of the way it is time for his day (Friday). We had a great dinner and then sat around and discussed why we loved daddy. Ethan's reasons "I like Daddy and I love him oh and I like to wrestle him". Jacob "I love to wrestle with Daddy" and Noah "I love that Daddy takes me hunting and fishing". It was very sweet. I talked about how I loved how much Clint loved the boys and me, how I loved his sense of humor, and I loved how strong and brave he is - how I always felt safe. This then led into the great debate around our house about my "noddle arms". The boys like to call me "captain noodle arms".
We then gave Clint his presents (Bass Pro gift certificates, a Georgia Bulldogs -shirt, hat and yard gnome and Noah's gift certificate to take him to Scheels to pick out some flys). It was a fun evening with lots of giggle from the kids (my favorite sound!).
With Clint's day officially over it is time to start thinking about Jacob's 6th birthday on Friday. He wants to go to Pizza on Friday and then he wants Clint to smoke ribs and chicken on Sunday. I love Birthdays!
Love Your Man
12 years ago
what an awesome birthday and what a great loving family! yay :)