Normally I am an optimistic person. Each day I find much to be thankful. I truly am a blessed person. Once in awhile life gets a little crazy and I lose sight of Positive Patty and I become Debbie Downer.
I am pretty sure that exhaustion and hormones have nothing to do with this switch. I haven't been able to blog lately because Debbie makes it near impossible to think nice things. If I do think of something I am thankful for Debbie makes sure to attach something negative to ruin the whole thing. At work we have a white board and on this white board is an area that we write what we are thankful for. Usually I can think of a number of things to write. Sometimes they are profound and sometimes it was something funny that someone said and I am thankful that I will have that little gem to laugh about later (these are often courtesy of Mo...).
Today I am thankful to say that Debbie has gone on a much needed vacation and Patty is back. I got a couple good nights of sleep (even though one wasn't super great because Mason coughed so hard he threw up at 4am and decided it was time to stay awake, Patty doesn't mind). I also have great family and friends that are extra supportive when Debbie visits.
So now that Patty is back I will work on updating this blog more frequently!
Love Your Man
12 years ago
Chris calls me Christina Jean when I'm in a good mood and 'stina meana when i'm not. It's fun, he'll say "I want my christina jean back". I'm glad debbie is on vaca!