Clint - finished up his second semester of college. Although it was difficult he has balanced school with 4 boys when I've been working. In May he went with my dad and my sister's husbands to Nevada. He got to see where I grew up and enjoy some fun central Nevada activities. He took Noah to a fishing tournament and then went on a weekend fishing trip with Jude. He then tore his hamstring, MCL, PCL, and meniscus playing softball. Big bummer. There went his good knee. He is in a lot of pain and has to wear an immobilizer and is on crutches....thank goodness no surgery (we hope)!
I am sad to say that Noah is now a big 4th grader. He got to go camping with the big boys for the fishing tournament (heaven only knows what they taught him) and he caught 6 fish. One was a 3lb 14 oz sturgeon that was big enough to win him a bike. He wanted to put the trampoline up so badly that one evening he did it almost entirely by himself while I was cooking dinner. He also is to big to think my stupid jokes are funny anymore and I have to bribe him to let me take his picture.
Sweet little Jacob is now in the 1st grade. He is such a sweet boy that on all of his Kindergarten papers he would write "I Love my teacher" or "I love Mrs. Petrini forever". Very sweet. He is looking forward to school in the fall. He has been wanting to get a "log on his head" so today he got his first mohawk. He told me "now I just need some cool shades". He is the avid reader. It is so sweet to hear him read his books he starts giggling during the funny parts and then he explains it, just in case you aren't sure what just happened.
Ethan loves the camera. He got a very nice camera from his Papa Jimmy, Grandma Dawn and Grandma Jean for his birthday. He loves taking pictures. He also loves being in pictures. When I have the camera out he poses and as soon as he hears the click he does a new pose. This will go on as long as you will let it. He is an amazing big brother. The things he will do for Mason (including eating a half eaten bite of food that Mason is trying to share). He will then say "thank you Mason".
Little Mason....where to begin. He stopped nursing a few months ago. It was bittersweet. I was glad to finally be done, but bummed that I will never nurse another baby. It really made if final that we are FINALLY done having children! Mason has a mouth full of pearly whites. Unfortunately he uses these often when he becomes frustrated. He becomes frustrated very frequently because he does not talk. He says Daddy, Mama, Sam, Cat, Jenny, Uh-oh, Outside, Down, Shoes, and this week he learned NO! He has these beautifully shaped eyebrows that he uses very well to express himself. Usually in anger with his brow squished together. This along with his love for the trash can bear a strong resemblance to Oscar the grouch. He has learned to open the sliding glass door and wants to come and go as he pleases. Mason is already

I recently moved to a day shift at work. I LOVE it! I love that I get to know my patients and families. I also love that my shifts are busy. The times goes so quickly and then I get to spend the evenings home with my family. In May my sisters, the boys and I took my mom to Fairmont hot springs for mother's day weekend. It was a great time. Then in June my Grandma took my sisters and I to see my very cute aunt who is expecting her first little boy. I loved New York city and hope to go back in the fall!
For Father's day weekend we went camping. We got Clint a raft and we had a great time on the water. It was fun to go bike riding and fishing also. We have just a few weeks left before our big summer vacation. Road trip to Georgia here we come!
(Pictures to come later)
I can't believe how fast these boys are growing up! I remember just the other day I was holding noah in my arms at Golden Corral, when he must've been only 1-1.5 months old. Crazy how time flies. And I'm glad you like the day shift. I don't know how you survived those long nights but glad you can spend time with your family now at night. Good luck to Clint with his knee. No fun at all.
ReplyDeleteI too can't wait for the trip to Georgia already forgot what part of a gift this is for me... Thats what happens when your as old as dirt. But am looking forward to spend quality time with my Angel Lynze and her amazing family I am so proud of who she is and how she has handle her self in Life..... Love you