Along with the normal hustle and bustle of the holiday season we have had some added excitement. My poor little gallbladder is about done storing bile. As many of you know 5 years ago I had a major attack and was jumping through the hoops to have it taken out and I found out I was pregnant with Ethan. I planned on getting it done post-delivery. Then decided to put it off for just "a little while longer" because I was going to school. I was already an LPN and wanted to become an RN. Then I was in a new job, then I used my time off for a great big cross country vacation, then I got pregnant again, then another big vacation. During these long 5 years I have had a constant ache after eating (almost everything has at least a little fat that needs to be broken down) and multiple pretty bad attacks that have left me feeling very terrible.
So my poor sludgy gallbladder decided to take matters into her own hands. On black Friday I started to have a few pains and that night I became extremely sick. It started at my sister's house. The best part of this was she lives about 30 minutes from my house and she had no water. After an extremely rough night Clint took me to the ER. After quite a few pain meds, anti-nausea meds, a few liters of IV fluids and an incredibly long time on the stretcher we were sent home with orders to call "my favorite surgeon on Monday".
I called the surgeon that I saw 5 years ago. The receptionist politely said my file was "inactive". At work we decided this probably meant "non-compliant". Shortly after scheduling his nurse called to say that prior to seeing the doctor I should have a HIDA scan. Last time I saw him first then never had the scan. He was probably concerned that if too much time passed I would get pregnant or another life event would happen and I would again become "inactive". I had the scan and although my gallbladder does work she does not work very well. I was not surprised by these results and could have saved my insurance and myself a couple thousand dollar test by simply going to McDonald's and then they could watch me vomit, hold my stomach and moan in pain.
After failing my test I saw the surgeon for about 2 minutes and then scheduled the eviction. The surgery is a quick outpatient laproscopic procedure. I will have a few small incisions that are essentially super glued together. One of these incisions is in my belly button. I encouraged him to do a little reconstruction on my belly button. I had it pierced 4 pregnancies ago (need I say more?). I don't think he went for it....but a girl can only hope!
Wed will be the last day I am home to a cranky, ill mannered gallbladder with poor work ethic. My liver will do just fine on her own! I get 2 weeks off from work during this time I will get to stay home and relax and take it easy (minus the 4 kids all home for Christmas break). I have lots of family and friends that are pitching in and so it will be a breeze!
I am actually looking forward to feeling better. I am not looking forward to what may come out of my mouth while starting to go under. I can hear it now "You would not believe what this Pediatric nurse said...".
Love Your Man
12 years ago
I love your are so witty. I'm glad you decided to go forward with the eviction (who needs a grumpy gallbladder anyways). You'll feel soooo much better. Love you and hoping for a speedy recovery.
ReplyDelete~Aunt Cheryl