"Damn diaper" this is the phrase that I mutter over and over in my head right now. Mason is not yet 2 but he is already showing signs of wanting to potty train. Just like his big brothers did. All the boys were early potty trainers like their mother. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I was potty trained before my 1st birthday. I felt like this was a remarkable feat and was supremely disappointed when I found out that there was no box to check on my college application about how young (or old) potty training commenced. Bummer.
Taking this new-found knowledge into parenthood I didn't push potty training. I knew that the boys would do it when they were ready. One great thing about saying that I will wait until they are ready is that not a single one chose to be ready when it was convenient for me. After realizing with Noah that no time really is a good time and it really is great to get them to pee/poop in the pot!
The first 3 boys were potty trained between 22-26 mos. They all needed pull-ups for different lengths of time at night. Sweet little Mason is very.......determined. I didn't know how this "determination" would affect my potty training track record. He has actually been interested in "peeing in the pot" since he was about 18 mos. He hasn't ever been very successful but he has been very interested. The past week he has decided the minute he pees (or poops) in his diaper it needs to come off. He also just likes to walk around naked and once I see that he has started peeing I run him to the toilet. This has been very difficult this week because I've been so sick that walking and breathing has been difficult for me let alone running a little boy down the hall with a loaded weapon.
This is were the thoughts "damn diaper" have come in. I want to scream "keep your damn diaper on", but he wants to potty train. No this isn't the best week for me to potty train, but next week we have 2 birthdays and taxes and the week after wrestling tournaments start so if it was up to when it was convenient for me who knows when that would be.
I am not going to be angry or upset that Mason wants to be potty trained right now. I am going to enjoy the potty training memories of my last boy. From here on out I will just be offering potty training support for my friends and family who want to pull their hair out because their child has pooped/peed on the floor for the 32nd time that day. It really is worth it. My only regret from today is I didn't get a picture of him earlier but since it is an image I hope to never forget I will describe it here: Mason had on a grey long sleeved t-shirt, diaper and jeans. He decided to remove his diaper and jeans. He found a pair of Ethan's cloth shorts (dark blue) which he wanted to wear as undies (I asked him if he wanted undies he said "uhhh uhhh" nodding and points at the shorts). he put both legs in one leg hole and had the shorts around his waist. All of his business flapping in the wind when he was running around. He then found his jeans and put them back on....backwards. So he was laying on the floor, playing with his zipper down, jeans unbuttoned, cute little butt-cracked buns hanging out. I wish I had taken a picture!
So I'm off to Target. I am going to get a new potty chair and potty seat (and probably a few more containers of Clorox wipes for the floor!)
Love Your Man
12 years ago
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